Tuesday, May 29, 2007
"S" is for....

Monday, May 28, 2007
Say Cheese
A day in the life of a DOG...

6:00 a.m.-6:15 a.m. Whines to be let out of the house.
6:16 a.m. Rushes to garden in search of cats.
6:20 a.m. No cats. Turns attention to newly
planted bulbs.
6:21 a.m. Digs up bulbs.
6:30 a.m. Barks to come inside.
6:32 a.m. Barks again - more loudly.
6:35 a.m. To be sure all within twenty miles have heard,
barks again.
6:40 a.m. Breakfast.
6:45 a.m. Sleep.
8:00 a.m. Food smells from kitchen. Wakes and goes
to investigate. Hangs around chair of youngest human.
Catches most food before it hits the floor.
8:32 a.m. Back to sleep.
9:30 a.m. Mail arrives. Waits for door to open and
chases letter carrier.
9:45 a.m. Sleep.
11:00 a.m. Vacuum cleaner switched on. Leaps from
chair and flees sound. Goes to another room. Sleeps.
12:30 p.m. Lunch sounds from kitchen. Scurries past
newly filled dog dish. Arrives first at table. Waits for food
to drop from table. None. Goes to dog dish filled with
food the TV ad says is irresistible to dogs. Sniffs. Looks
around to make sure there's nothing better. Sighs. Eats.
1:30 p.m. Whines at door to go out.
1:35 p.m. Whines at door to come in.
1:40 p.m. Hears friend barking outside. Whines to go
out again.
1:45 p.m. Door opens. Leaps from house and joins
friends chasing cars.
2:45 p.m. Still chasing cars, with the odd cat thrown in
for variety.
3:00 p.m. Decides to call on girl-friend up the street.
She is sleeping.
3:05 p.m. Good Idea. Goes home and does the same.
4:00 p.m. Children arrive home from school. Dog barks,
yells, goes crazy. Told to calm down. Barks and yells some more.
4:07 p.m. Grabbed by collar and thrown out of the house.
4:09 p.m. After barking fails to open door, decides to call
on girl-friend once more. She has gone out. Runs to park. Finds
another girl.
6:00 p.m. Dinner time. Hurries home.
6:10 p.m. Before door opens, lowers head and adopts
pitiful appearance.
6:11 p.m. Doesn't work. "Get in here and where the hell have
you been?"
6:12 p.m. Hides under dinner table.
6:55 p.m. Hears rattle of leash. Leaps off best chair and
rushes to front door.
7:17 p.m. At the park. Leash still attached. Sits quietly.
Leash released. Goes Bananas.
7:55 p.m. Off leash.
8:22 p.m. Off leash.
8:55 p.m. Off leash.
9:15 p.m. Owner asks if anyone has seen dog.
9:45 p.m. Owner in luck. Someone has seen a dog swimming
in nearby lake.
10:00 p.m. Back on leash. Shakes self over owner.
10:05 p.m. Dragged back into house.
10:15 p.m. Settles down in front of TV.
10:35 p.m. Barks to go outside.
10:40 p.m. Barks loudly to come back inside.
10:45 p.m. Barks again before owner can open door.
Neighbour shouts that baby is trying to sleep. Also advises what owner
should do with dog.
10:46 p.m. Dog barks very loudly in the direction of
neighbour's voice.
10:50 p.m. Door opens. Dog rushes upstairs to bedroom. Hides
under bed. Owner leaves. Dog leaps on bed. Sleeps.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Have I been M-I-A????
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Busy BEE !!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Roses in Winter
My second card uses Apricot Appeal, Pink Passion and Very Vanilla Cardstock along with Apricot Appeal, Pink Passion and Certainly Celery ink. The lace detail in the Pink Passion cardstock is the floral lace punch by Martha Stewart. The edges were distressed with Apricot Appeal & a little Certainly Celery ink.. and again, glass glaze enamel was applied to a few of the rose petals. Finally, a little celery grosgrain ribbon and I was done.
Tonight Roses in Winter ... kicked up a notch..
Monday, May 14, 2007
Happy Mother's Day

Friday, May 11, 2007
Happy Mother's Day

Thursday, May 10, 2007
A little shabby

For this card I used.. Vintage Violet, True Thyme and So Saffron Card stock and ink. The flowers from mixed bouquet were colored in with a blender pen and vintage violet ink. I then used my versamark pen to outline some of the flowers and embossed a little iridescent ice embossing powder. For a better view of this, click on the image and you'll get close up & personal. The ribbon is the stitched violet as well.. I also distressed all of the edges with True Thyme. I can't wait to try this same card with the Roses in Winter set.. WOO HOO..
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Fantabulous Tuesday award
Sunday, May 6, 2007
I laughed a lilttle.. I cried a little..
Kim wrote.. "Grandmothers are wonderful beings, and we should all be blessed to have them in our lives. I grew up with only one grandma, who was my dad's mother. We spent a great deal of time with her, and as I grew I saw how very much I resemble her...the good and the bad!! =) I always remember my grandma being 'old' in that she had wrinkled skin and looked the way Grandma's look (not how my mom looks to my kids however!). I remember the few times that Grandma would babysit my brother and I, and my parents would always ask how we were, she would always reply "They were as good as Gold". The other thing that makes me smile and think of my grandma (who has been gone 12 years this summer) is that when we would get messy, or make a mess, she would say "You are a mess and a gom" Don't know what a 'gom' is necessarily, but I've since passed that phrase onto my 2 daughters. My oldest thought it would be perfect to use on her Papa when she was 2!! The tradition lives on. I miss my grandma terribly, and I will say that her funeral was the hardest thing I had ever had to endure. It sounds like your grandma is a wonderful woman, hold on to her while you can. Thanks for the opportunity for Blog Candy!!!" and,
Deenster wrote "I lost my grandmother a while ago, but here is one of many great memories: My brother and I would stay with my grandparents every summer (and usually Christmas vacations, spring breaks......sometimes even three day weekends). Anyway, the bathroom was an "out house" type of bathroom. So as kids, when we went to take a shower, we had to remember to take our clean clothes and towel with us to the bathroom, other wise once you got out of the shower.....oops! So it never failed, that at least once while we would be at her house, my grandmother would call for me or my brother to bring her a towel because SHE had forgotten to take one with her for her shower. And every time this happened, my brother and I would walk to the out house, open the door so just our hand would fit inside.......and hand my grandmother a Paper Towel from the kitchen.........then we'd giggle like crazy (EVEN my grandma!)".. That's a memory that will keep you smiling each time you think of her..
So Lana, Kim and Deenster... please email me your snail mail address and I'll get your goodies out to you. Kim and Deenster, I'll also need to know what your favorite colors are. Congratulations again !!!
Friday, May 4, 2007
Show me the money !!
So did you figure out what on earth I could possibly be giving away this time? Let me remind you what the clues were..
Clue #2.... It involves.. an ankle bracelet....
Any takers... Well here it is..
(This is especially for those of you who have been waiting to see the goods before you posted your comment).

I just went to Michael's (here's your boy's name) and picked up a few Martha Stewart (here's your girl's name.. and hmm the ankle bracelet too.. I never said it was a fashionable ankle bracelet).. Goodies for you. I hope you all love the colors. These are my faves so of course I had to get 2 of everything so that I could keep 1 for myself. The winner will receive a roll of aqua twill ribbon, chocolate twill ribbon, aqua & chocolate ribbon, a tube of glitter glue, a jar of green aggregate (I think I spelt that correctly) glitter, two stamps I quick grabbed as I was heading for the checkout counter and... I grabbed us each and every one of Martha's Free project ideas.. So now that you've seen what you have a chance to win... I told ya it would be a good one!!!!! Rush over here and post a fond memory of your grandmother. You only have until this Sunday at noon to get those comments posted.
And oh by the way.. I'm over 1000 hits already. I hope you all enjoy my blog. PS.. this is already my 50th post.
All in shades of brown

This card uses all shades of my favorite brown. Who would ever think that brown would become a favorite color. But it is... :)
The card stocks are all close to cocoa, chocolate chip and very vanilla. The french script background was stamped on each piece of very vanilla is creamy cocoa and all edges were sponge distressed with chocolate chip. Print pattern was stamped on the middle piece of very vanilla in close to cocoa as was the swirl from Carte Postale. "WISH" is from small script. I've added a few hodgepodge hardware brads (yes I'm actually trying to use my hardware. No that it's so easy to get replacements) and an oval and finally added a little chocolate ribbon (this would have been from one of my 3 favorite eBay stores).. and drum roll please... I was done and Alex wasn't even voted off of Survivor yet.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Nearing 1000.. Blog Candy give-away time approaching..
Finally.. A little stamping

Any suggestions? the only thing I was thinking was that I could have taken my sponge and sponged on a little ink to the cuttlebug flowers to make them jump off the page a little more. Nothing like critiquing your own cards. But I guess that's the only way to get better.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Did you miss me?
Quick update on Gram.. She's adjusting remarkably well. She was transferred Friday afternoon so she's still getting her feet wet and adjusting to how things operate. She's not accustomed to having people wait on her. This is a big change for her and the rest of the family. But it's definitely a great one. She's in fabulous hands and I'm completely confident she's being well taken care of.
Did you notice I'm getting closer and closer to the 1K hits... YIPEE SKIPPY... If you'd like a hint as to what my blog candy will be I'll give you a little one.. It has to do with a boy's name and a girls name.. Both have the same initial.. Can you guess??? Please don't forget to enter my Blog Candy giveaway by leaving a fond memory of your grandmother under my last post. The winner will be drawn when 1,000 people have viewed my blog. I've read each and every entry and I thank you all for opening your hearts and sharing such fond memories with us.
So now to pass the time until tomorrow.. here's a little something to think about..
02:03:04 05/06/07
This numerical order will NEVER HAPPEN again in our lifetime.
How about that?????